I feel like I started Yesterday

Last Update: April 10, 2012

I'm trying to figure out where my brain went.  I know I had it, it's gotta be around here somewhere.

Tried to use my-Linker.  I couldn't seem to get it to work, well I read the help and in the place where it says to enter a name for your link, the help menu shows a full url.  So I typed it in.

After jumping over to the chat and having Welshy and others help me out.  I finally had the lightbulb moment ( what are we ever going to do when lightbulbs go away) it's really simple.

Put a name in.  No spaces no additional characters, just the name.

Paste the Affiliate link in the second box.  Save it.  Done.

I created another site this week.  I was able to get it loaded and running pretty well.

I spent 4 hours trying to get the star code working and finally abandoned it for the time being.  I'll wait until the site gets a bit further along then I'll try again.  Makes me wonder what I learned last time I got it working.  Again, the brain isn't working very well.

So, I used the formula that Jay gave us.  Header, Pic, Features, Video.  Ping, Digg, Reddit. Added Google Analytics and Registered with Webmaster tools.

The competition is under 400 so we'll see how it goes.  Got indexed overnight.  Now it's time to add some Meta tags and All-in one Tags etc.  A couple of more pages then an XML sitemap should get 'er done.

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Praise Premium
Looking forward to your update(s). Chat really is a wonderful way to get immediate help. As Jimmy Dean said, “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
kyle Premium Plus
Good luck, let us know how things work out. Glad you had the lightbulb moment and of course if you ever run into any roadbumps going forward, there is lots of help here.

Let us know how your site progresses! :)