Looking back to 2011

Last Update: January 03, 2012

I spent the last week of the year taking stock of what I've done over the last year.

I have one site that is making some inroads.  I have yet to get the first check from Amazon but I'm getting close.  Perhaps when the iPad 3 rears its ugly head I can get this to convert better.

 It appears that this site is up against all of the big boys.  CNet etc.  so I'm pretty happy with its performance.  Checking Google Analytics provided a surprise or two.  I'm ranking better for some of the obscure keywords that I wasn't even targeting.  Guess I'll change my focus a bit and see how this works out.

My dog sites are ranking for the local market above the humane society(yup, on page 1).  I guess I won't complain there.  I need to spend some time with my blog filling out my training protocols.  Eventually I'll combine all these into an e-book.  This is on my radar for this year.  Development of another dog site is on the radar as well. 

Time is the killer.  My full time job is again a big time suck.  I'd love to get down to a normal workweek but this isn't in the cards until at least Valentines day.  Our customer wants delivery on March 1 and the electricians just turned the machine over to us Controls guys last week.  8 weeks behind schedule.  So now we need to compress the lateness into a miracle.

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I'm really happy for you that you are making some strides here with your campaigns. I wish some of your success with this would rub off on me. 2011 was a really bad year for me and I'm hoping that doesn't repeat again this year. I've had much to write about employment and how it can really sap a person's time...yet you've made these six sales regardless! Sounds like you've got your priorities right. I've not been able to make a single sale with all the time in the world available to me. Much of this has to do with both how I'm presenting myself and the niches I was in.
canuck Premium
Well, you already got the stuff ranking well and you are analyzing the performance - to me this means that your 2012 will be a lot bigger than 2011 ;)

- Alex
WriterGig Premium
I've found that my pets site is one of my top earners, which surprised me! Keep at it with your dog sites and best of luck with everything in 2012.
joeknight Premium
Hey Labman I know how you feel ,Iahve 2 full time jobs in customer service and it no only sucks my time, it also sucks the life right out of me.I would give anything to make this marketing work so I could at least quit one of the jobs so I could have so semblance of a normal life! .I do have a question if you wouldn't mind . you train dogs ,by anychance do you know how to stop a dog from chewing up everything in the apartment while i am at work?
Labman_1 Premium
I subscribe to the adage that if you can't trust him to behave then control his urges.
Crate training is a humane way to keep both of you safe. A dog is quite content in its crate as long as the training is not forced or traumatic. Feed the dog in the crate and entice him into the crate frequently with treats (kibble works) allow him to come out after a short period to be with you. Also get some Kongs, fill them with Kibble so that the kibble dribbles out of the Kong. Put this in the crate at the beginning of the day and it will keep him busy on a sanctioned chew toy. Smoked Beef Shank bones are good too.