Phase 2

Last Update: June 14, 2011

Well, two down one to go.

I welcomed a new life into the world today.  I didn't even have to do any of the work.  Let my daughter handle the hard part.

My second Granddaughter has joined the outside world.

Apgars were great, mom only had to work for about an hour.  I know all of you women that experience long labor are jealous.

 Got the Hot tub up and running too.

Now just get through the Wedding and I can recover.

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Well done gramps! The wedding to follow, ouch, that is where you pay your dues! Congratulations to all.
kyle Premium Plus
Panya Premium
Many Congratulations!
Sherion Premium
Congrats. Now when does IM fit in? Phase like 50 or something? lol
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations Grandpa! Now jump into the hot tub.