Portal Gun Raffle for a good cause

Last Update: June 23, 2012
If any of you want to make a donation to the cause.- A friend recovering from a Liver Transplant.-
Or even if you would like to share this around.

Any help would be appreciated.
This is the spouse of a Geocaching friend from my area. We have shared many excursions looking for obscure items in some awesome locations. Now, she needs a bit of help.

To help with this her daughter has put up a Portal Gun as a raffle prize.

So What does a Portal Gun Do? Check it out here>>>http://vimeo.com/43800150

If you would like to donate or promote the Raffle here is the link.

It would be great if this were to go viral they can really use the help with medical expenses.


Thanks in advance!
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Even if you don't want to help, enjoy the video. These guys are nuts.