Protect Yourself

Last Update: February 12, 2012

There are many ways that you can be taken advantage of on the World Wide Web.

I've seen a bit of chatter about people being hit with spam and others that are falling prey to malicious software.  There are many ways that your web properties can be compromised.  How do you protect yourself from these? 

Backups!  For your WordPress sites.

WA hosting uses the Plesk system.  This is fairly easy to use to make backups.

Other platforms such as GoDaddy provide an interface called CPanel.  This too provides an easy way to do a backup.

Most software professionals recommend that you keep 3 copies of your files in various places so that if your computer gets hacked you can always revert to another location to restore your files.

Go here to learn how to backup your WordPress files.

WordPress Backup Codex 

 Hope this helps 


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Again, Craig, thanks a bunch. Will do that now! Sherry