Random thoughts for Early March

Last Update: March 04, 2012

Well, it seems I was coerced into getting busy.  Yup, K&C and probably Jay(cause he's the Jaaxy guy) forced my hand.  I've been lazy and putting off grabbing a new URL to do a promotion.  I did the research over a month ago and even mentioned it in the chat at one time.  Sooooo.  I took a look at the keyword list this week and lo and behold there was my keyword on the list.  Welll; Damn if I don't grab it someone else was gonna do it, so off I went to GoDaddy and grabbed the .com before any of you other folks could steal my thunder.This was Friday night.

I got the nameservers changed and called it a night.

Saturday, after working for 4 hours and attending my Granddaughter's 5th birthday party. I got the WordPress Express loaded onto my site, chose a free Theme that looks like it was custom designed for me and got my plugins configured.  Eliminated the Hello World post and started on my About me, disclaimer and Privacy Policy.  I'll be back at that soon.  I like to add a few more plugins and of course there is the all important first Page.  Then I went to yet another B-day party.

This morning was K9 training and when I arrived I found that most of my team was actually out on a search.  82YO cognitively challenged adult went for a walk last night while her husband was at the grocery store.  I really need to figure out a better way to get notified of these things.  I guess there was an e-mail notification somewhere around 2:30AM with an 8:00 check-in and a 2.5 hour drive.  They didn't give us a lot of notice but that is the way things go sometimes.  Holding out hope that she is found quickly before hypothermia sets in.  We had another cold snap last night and the temp is expected to plunge throughout the day.  

We tried a new thing today with Gracie.  We put the subject out in the field without Gracie seeing him go.  So, she had to trust me that there was someone out there.  We got out to the field and I ramped her up a bit with her "Are ya ready to go to work?"  She started to do her excited spin and gave me a little bark.  The I told her to "Find 'em" and she was off like a shot. 

She checked something out behind me a bit ( I think she was on deer scent) but started working after a couple of minutes.  We made the first pass and then turned to work the other direction.  Now she was in the swing.  She rocketed past me and was off to the other side of the field. 

About 3/4 of the way across, her head came up and she made a hard right.  She took off at top speed and headed across the field.  About 200 yards out she started working the scent cone and zeroed in on the subject in no time flat.  I was pretty impressed.   That was a 250 yard find done in less than 10 minutes.  Of course there was a pretty good steady breeze so her task was easier.

So, now were back, ready to work on IM for a bit before I pop out to another Birthday celebration.  My Youngest daughter this time, with any luck I'll get enough time to actually publish this site tonight.  I guess I'll see how that works out.

Life gets in the way but even a few quality hours can be capitalized on to get a site up and running.

As with anything, don't neglect the important things.  Family first then your own health, finally IM.  Priorities.

Sandwich your spare time into the little accomplishments and before long you will have it up and going.  Focus and small benchmarks are the key.  A list helps too.


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Thanks, Craig, that sandwiching time in between is a new concept for me... I usually take things on in 24 - 48 hour to 3 month marathon programming sessions. It is not working for fitting WA into my Life. Okay, I will try this Sandwich approach (-:-) Sherry M