Visit your local Vampire

Last Update: May 25, 2012
With Memorial Day and Victoria Day upon us.....

Give til it hurts. It only hurts for a little while.

Blood I mean. Take a chance, go visit your local Bloodbank and make a deposit.

Someone will thank you for it.

Maybe someone you know.
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jatdebeaune Premium
Nice set of choppers there Craig. I've tried to give blood, but they don't want it because I had jaundice as a baby. That's a long time ago, but they still don't want it. Not sure I understand why.
slayton1s Premium
Needles scare me. Run!
Labman_1 Premium
A big strapping guy like you. Comeon, give it a go. The only way to get over your fear is to face it head on!
slayton1s Premium
haha, I've given blood before. I was in the National Honor Society back in high school and I needed to give blood to get my points or something to stay in. I still don't like needles, lol. I'll think about giving blood for later on...
BIS Premium
Really great idea - I unfortunately have been one of the people who needs the blood and am not allowed to give it - so I applaud you for highlighting the issue. I too love the picture. - certainly made me click to see what you were talking about.
Linda Fedun Premium
I was told a long time ago not to give blood. My veins are too small, and it takes forever to even get a pint from me. Too bad because I would like to help.
HelRay Premium
I have the same problem Linda, but it shouldn't put you off giving - it just takes a bit longer than most
Deezdz Premium
Me I'm not the only one! They use a "butterfly" needle when they need to take blood and I usually lie down because I feel faint. I could never have been a
Sielke Premium
Awesome post! Very catchy picture and title. Anyway, I give blood regularly and you should too, although they are pretty strict on who gives nowadays.
Labman_1 Premium
Giving Double Red in the morning. Hit 6 Gallons last year.