Day 1 | Wealthy Affiliate 30 Day Case Study

Last Update: September 21, 2010

Hey Friends,

I have decided to make a 30 day case study out of the WA PPC Club experience. Here's the first video:

Day 1 was really easy (for me) as all I had to do was simply set-up the following:

  • MSN Adcenter Pay-Per-Click account
  • Yahoo Search Marketing account
  • Choose A Domain Name
  • Set-Up Hosting

For those of you who are in the PPC club, there is a forum thread started which you can access here: Forum Link

See you on day 2..

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jatdebeaune Premium
Clever that you're enrolled. I look forward to hearing your impressions. Yes, back to school is awesome. I hope they offer these clubs again.
Khairul Anwar Premium
yeah totally is like back to school. awesome..
andys43us Premium
Great Idea Jay. I wanted to join the PPC club but was not accepted. Maybe I will learn something following you. Cheers!
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1 Jay!
Louise M. Premium
Nice initiative! Look forward to the next steps. :)