HotSeat Webinar on Tuesday September 14th 7pm

Last Update: September 11, 2010

Hey WA Members!

So I have finally decided on the date for the hotseat webinar I mention a couple of weeks ago.

Clear your schedule for:

Tuesday September 14th 7pm PST

In this webinar I am going to take a look at 4 WA member websites and offer some advice on what to change or at least what I would do to make it profitable.

I will be sending private messages to the 4 webinar winners in the next couple of days.

The intention of this hotseat webinar is to help YOU with your online marketing business regardless of your marketing level.

"Learning from other people's success formula's is a great way to learn"

I suggest you take the time to attend this webinar as it could really benefit your own website even if I am not placing your site in the hotseat as you may learn from other members hotseat sessions.

Just to show you that I'm pretty good at this stuff and not blowing smoke up your butt, here are some rankings I have achieved:

  • affiliate resources: #2 out of 57,900,000 results (US)
  • local marketing course #3 out of 9,680,000 results (US)
  • marketing training #4 out of 71,200,000 results (CANADA)
  • outdoor fitness #1 out of 84,100,000 results (CANADA)

This is not to impress you but just to show you that I have the ability to help.

Big News Coming for WA Members

And for those who attend the webinar, I will be revealing a major announcement on behalf of WA that will directly benefit every WA member but you will get to hear it first!

I might even have some cool door prizes to give away...

So mark your calendars for Tuesday September 14th 7pm PST and set aside a couple of hours as I tend to go overtime with my webinars.

As always, your comments and thoughts are appreciated below.

Kind Regards,

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BradB Premium
Yeah I'm in.
jatdebeaune Premium
Excited! Will be there.
Louise M. Premium
Perfect. I'll be there!
mrpoxon Premium
Hi Jay,

I was wondering if you will be recording this webinar?
Frets Premium
Awesome! Thank you for availling yourself to us all with such an event ... looking forward to it!