Jay's Live Broadcast Replay Available

Last Update: July 10, 2010

Hey Folks,

Remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Well, that's what it was like for those who attended the live broadcast - pure Euphoria! :)

Yesterday's live broadcast was awesome.  Thank you for everyone who attended.
We had a little technical hiccup with the screencap sessions, but overall, I was told it was very informative.

As promised, I recorded the session and the link is available below.


Next topic for next broadcast?

I am now taking suggestions for the next broadcast, if you have an idea what you want me to talk about - let me know below!


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MatthewM Premium
Great session. I really enjoyed this broadcast. I will be sure to be on the next. Keep up the good work.
sherbet penny Premium
Jay, watched the video from start to finish, delighted I did. Great stuff, especially the part about distraction. As a newbie to this trade, I find this part the most annoying. I have made a mistake in signing up to lists, though I get great tips, the amount of mails coming in trying to sell you things is hilarious, though I can imagine the amount of newbies that do purchase. I,m now inspired to be more focused thank you, Can't wait for next video, though due to time difference I may not make it live. Cheers again, Stephen.
raycal.1 Premium
Hey Jay...Thanks for the replay, it was very helpful for me. Hopefully I can catch the next one live. Ray...
R-L-Atch Premium
Jay, sorry I missed this one but I've been out of the loop for the last few days and I missed it. I watched the taped version and as usual I founf it awesome! Thanks again for doing this and I look forward to the next one... We are taking a vaction to Jamaica at the end of the month so I hope I do not miss it. Cheers! Rob
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jay, thanks again for the great webinar. I will get the word out about your archives. Since we are on the subject of the Beatles, cheers to Ringo for his 70th birthday.