LinkWheel MindMap

Last Update: February 05, 2011

Hey Folks,

Just thought I would post the mindmap that was created during the LinkWheel WAbinar.

If you have any questions be sure to ask in the forum thread.


If this is too tiny for you to see, I have a larger version here.

So are YOU going to build a LinkWheel?
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webkab Premium
Thanks Jay - You have been a big help to me in understanding how to get things going and what to do. I will be using most of your training. I especially have been using your Affiliate Training Videos and building a check list of things to do with the blogs to get them ranked and marketed.
WriterGig Premium
Thanks so much, Jay! I missed your webinar but am planning to catch up via the video. thanks for this great visual. And YES, I plan to put this into action!

morlandroger Premium
Made the start of the live event :-) but had to leave early :-( Just watched the recording and it makes the whole thing so much easier to understand than just reading it on a PDF (and boy have I read a lot of those!)
Many thanks Jay
jatdebeaune Premium
You bet!
Jamie Smith Premium
I can't thank you enough for EVERYTHING!