Super WA Affiliate Live Video Broadcast

Last Update: June 15, 2010

Hey Fellow WA Members,

This Wednesday (June 16th) at 4PM Pacific (until 5:00pm), I will be hosting a live video broadcast called internet marketing coffee talk.

Main Topic of Discussion?

An Affiliate Walkthrough

I will take you through the steps that I do to find a niche.

This is your chance to ask me your questions on anything internet marketing.

Feel free to come on over.

You should come on by - I've been told by pasts guests that it was awesome!

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Recent messages
OneProsperity Premium
I can't believe I missed it, will look out for the next one!!
sherbet penny Premium
booo can't believe I missed this...
Old Mizer Premium
FOOEY!! I missed it! I've been so busy on this week's campaign, time just seems to fly by. Grrr.... Sorry I missed it Jay.
R-L-Atch Premium
I will see you there too Jay - Thanks again for doing this! Cheers...
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jay, I will be tuned in once again. Your webinar last week was indeed awesome! I posted a WA blog and also hit twitter for ya as promised.