Welcome new WA Members: Here's where to start

Last Update: June 08, 2010

A big cheerful 'Hello!' to you all - I want to personally welcome each and everyone of you to WA. I have been a member since March 2007 and have never looked back.

I am sure there are plenty of you who are feeling a little overwhelmed with the plethora of information within your new membership.

So... Here are the first set of learning resources
I recommend you start with:

Introduction to Internet Marketing:

Action Plan (Step-by-Step):

Article Marketing Guide:

Once you are done with those, your next destination should be the success stories section within the WA forum.  I recommend that this section is a frequently visited area as it will continue to inspire your dream of becoming a full time internet marketer.


As a final source of mild inspiration, I started out here at WA with very limited knowledge and now do this stuff full time. :)


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below!



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crazycanuck Premium
I still can't see them...hmmmmm...can you let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I'd love to review them...Thanks Jay!
crazycanuck Premium
Hey Jay! I just tried to open the first three links and they are all taking me to the same place (the get started video). I am on IE right now. I'll try it in Safari and let you know if I am having the same problem....be back in a sec
crazycanuck Premium
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'd give you some gold but I don't have any left...LOL ;)

I have been overwhelmed (but very excited) and it's nice to know you are here :)
slepage Premium
Thanks Jay, it's good to be reminded from time to time the steps I should be following :), I have a terrible habit of getting side tracked, especially with all the great resources here.
jatdebeaune Premium
Jay, Even though I've been here a few months already, I want to thank you for all the great quality guidance you constantly give. You're very special. Every time you post something, I get a lot out of it. You don't need the gold, but it's a symbol, and I'm sending it.