Artisteer 2.0 - Product Review

Last Update: April 10, 2010

You may never have heard of this software if you're involved in Internet marketing as you'll have been busy marketing rather than building your own theme for a blog.

But, did you know that a great way of getting noticed is to have your 'Theme Made by' link at the bottom of tons of websites?

Some marketers already do this but it remains their secret to getting back-links to their main websites.  Imagine being able to build 'themes' that can be uploaded to Wordpress and work with all the plug-ins and gadgets available to everyone who uses the platform, wouldn't it be wonderful?

If you've ever felt that with all the choices available, you just can't find the theme you'd like, well, there's a certain program that you can download that allows you to build a simple or, indeed, complex theme for Wordpress (and other platforms) enabling you to design exactly what you want.

The software is Artisteer 2.0 which has been recently updated to be even more simple to use, work with more formats and be totally compatible with all Wordpress functions.  It really is a web design revolution.  Why?
Because it's so easy to use and actually create something that works, it's unbelievable.

So, how can it be easy for someone who can't use CSS, HTML, PHP, C++, Pearl and all that?

Because you are given a 'basic' layout to begin with and by clicking a button, can change this to whatever you prefer.  You can 'mess' with the setting as it does allow programming adjustments but, for most users, to be able to 'choose' by selecting from the huge choice available on-screen.

Once you've selected the basic layout, you can alter a number of settings including colour, font, sizes, blocks, positioning and so on.  There is no way you can accidently create a site exactly the same as anyone else because the variable are too great.

Artisteer 2.0 is quite amazing as I found when I downloaded the free trial version and was able to create my first theme in just a few minutes.  After messing around with the settings for a time I found that you really could create something unique and original.

Other settings, apart from those mentioned above, include background, menu, article design, blocks, buttons, header and footer.

You can export to Blogger, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and Visual Studio project templates.

If you're in the business (or want to start one) of producing templates for customers, then you won't go far wrong if this software is included in your software collection.

Artisteer 2.0 also supports a number of different languages including even more available through Wordpress system.

You even have the option of using custom watermarks for using as proofs while your customer decides what to choose.

As the software can be exported to any of the supported systems above, once you've completed the project you simply save it and then upload.

I saved my project as a .zip file which could be uploaded to my Wordpress blog, installed and activated in just a few minutes.

What I also liked about this product was the fact that you could also download a complete instruction manual which was full colour with images explaining exactly how to use each function.

I have downloaded so many pieces of software that come with either no proper instructions or online instructions that you can only read screen by screen.  I don't think you can beat a PDF file that you can print out, hold and refer to throughout your learning process. 

The Artisteer 2.0 software has presented this perfectly and they are easy to follow.

Highly recommended where you can try before you buy.  You have 30 days before you need to activate the software after using it.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Martyn. Sounds interesting. I'll check it out. Joan