Twitter For All You’re Worth

Last Update: March 09, 2010

This year I’ve been to more seminars on the subject of Internet Marketing than ever before

One thing that they all feature is Twitter, and, ‘Can It Make Money For You?’

They all say ‘Yes!’ but it’s not straight forward, you need to do it right ... have some sort of strategy in order to benefit from the way it works and the way it will work for you and your Internet business

Coming under the header of social media as it is basically controlled by those who use it, Twitter is featured on everything from blogs to the television news.  It’s mentioned in all sorts of programming on TV and radio and also in offline media including newspapers and magazines

Pretty well everyone’s heard of it but many don’t use it

Those who do use it for fun and entertainment by keeping in touch with their followers and those they are following

However, people who are in business are finding that is yet another marketing tool to add to their arsenal of weaponry. But how is it useful

For a start, you can only send messages (Tweets) to people in 140 characters or less, so how is this helpful?  The thing is, it’s probably a good idea that you are limited to this amount as it makes you be more creative and inventive when you send your Tweet to another or for all to read

Although many just send Tweets like ‘I’m having my lunch right now’ or ‘I’m going to brush my teeth’, there are better things to say to keep your posts interesting

Facebook and MySpace were all the rage in recent times but Twitter seems to have overtaken them in popularity in just a couple of years.  This means millions of people are online and using Twitter all the time.  Many different applications can be used to enhance Twitter and make it very addictive to use each day

Basically, you open an account on choose a username, write a short profile about what you’re there for (business users would talk about their niche) and then you can follow others with similar interests to you and also gain followers who agree to have all your Tweets sent to them

If people are genuinely interested in your niche, they will read whatever you send and respond to it, if appropriate

So, in amongst your messages to your followers, you could send out some sales messages like marketing your own service or product, drive traffic to your site or mention your affiliate products using links in your Tweets

For example, one of my Twitter accounts has over 21,000 followers to which I send out regular Tweets.  Some of these have a link to a website that asks them to join, as a subscriber, to an email newsletter that offers a free, downloadable, information product when they do

So, imagine the number of sign-ups I get on each mention of the niche newsletter that I Tweet

Even if I only get about 10% click on the link, at least that usually means a number of people actually go on to sign up when, from thereon in, I can have them on my list forever and sell to them for each new product that I create or am affiliated with.  Easy, right

So how do you get people following you?  All I do is find a niche that I can sell products in, find keywords associated with that niche, find out what the people in the niche want, then supply it to them in a downloadable product that they have to pay for

I can do this over and over for a number of different niches

Because you are seen as an authority on your subject, people will follow you and keep in touch

You will find your followers list will grow in numbers over the weeks and months.

Once you have a few followers and have posted some Tweets, set up a Google account on Gmail

Then, set up Google Alerts and create an alert for some keywords in your chosen niche, about four or five words, then set them up as ‘Comprehensive Feeds’.
Finally, set up a Twitterfeed account and add your account to it. 

Enable Twitterfeed to post your content that the keywords create to send posts directly to your Twitter account.  By using the Google Alert feed to publish several posts per day, automatically, you’ll be keeping your Twitter account active while giving useful information. 

Every so often, post a link to your promotions to help bring in more profits.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for this resource!