You The Presenter

Last Update: March 10, 2010

I’m now using Camtasia and making videos in order to enhance my marketing because, as you know, there are hundreds of promotions on the net right now and they all feature video.

Yes, as soon as you arrive at their page, BANG, it makes you jump because your sound volume is high and they don’t always wait for you to press ‘play’ on the video consol.


I hurry to turn the volume down in order to listen without the pictures falling off of the walls, boy, do I get fed up with having to re-hang my wall clock each time this happens.

Now Jed had an accent that sounded like he’s from the Beverly Hillbilly era and has absolutely no qualifications in English whatsoever.  And HE’s presenting the show.

Well, if Jed could do it, then so could I.  I wasn’t going to be left behind in Internet Marketing just because my products didn’t get offered by way of a video presentation.

I’ve got to admit at this stage that making a video to show in front of your customers isn’t as easy as one first might think.  Just how ARE you meant to sound.

I did the Wolfman style speaking (I think he was a top American DJ in the 1960s) then a little Tony Blackburn came to mind (a British radio presenter from the 1960s), after that a more subtle Terry Wogan type presentation (an Irish DJ) then someone suggested ‘Just be yourself’ but that made things worse.

I had more ‘ums’ and ‘aars’ in my performance than a person being interviewed by the Inland Revenue or IRS, I just couldn’t get things flowing.

Also, it’s all very well using Camtasia studio and showing your computer desktop throughout but when it’s your FACE that’s to be shown, well, it’s a definite no, no.  I’ve seen some ugly sods on the screen before now and I certainly don’t want to add my mug shot to the databases.  You tube?  No way!

I could pay for the services of someone more professional, of course, but then the idea of promoting your product at ‘low cost, no cost’ goes out the window for me.  As you may know, if I have to pay for anything, then it’s not a good idea and there’s no profit.

It seems that I’m just as bad as big bad Jed when it comes to marketing my products, then.  Just because it’s now become possible to record your own videos and voiceovers, we do it.  You could be the best in the world at making products but to present the launch yourself should really be left to the experts.

I’ll keep practicing though and see what improvements materialise and then I’ll start a service for others to use.  They can invent the product, I’ll make the movie for it ... for a slice of the profits, of course.

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