I get many people asking about the benefits of using Bing/Yahoo for PPC, how it works and what the real benefits are of using these networks these days, because everyone uses Google right? Right?

Actually, there is still a very large audience that use Bing and Yahoo for their search. These have always been "blue collar" search engines and have a very good demographic in terms of quality of users and buying power.

You can advertise through Yahoo and Bing through a single network, BingAds.com. If you are looking to enter the PPC world, I do recommend that you start with BingAds before getting into Google Adwords.

There a few reasons for this:

(1) BingAds are a bit "looser" in terms of their rules. Their policies are not quite as strict in terms of affiliates, landing page policies and bridge pages. It is easy to get pages up and running and test them under particular keywords.

(2) If you do something wrong initially, you are not in jeopardy of losing your account entire, something that is quite common at Google Adwords.

(3) Bid prices are quite low. Start low with your bids. It is very common to be able to get clicks for under $0.30, something that you will not find to be as common within Google Adwords.

(4) Competition is also quite low. There are MANY keywords with ZERO competition in Bing and this can definitely be leveraged by affiliates.

So if you are looking to get your hands dirty with PPC or looking to scale an already successful Google campaign, I do recommend that you leverage the traffic that Bing and Yahoo.

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