Posts by PotPieGirl 30
  Made a new tutorial for my Wealthy Affiliate friends today....  This one answers a question I get ALLLLLL the time: How to Make an eBook. Simple, free...and yes, there are pictures, too  =)   Hope you enjoy!   Jennifer ~PotPieGirl  
January 05, 2010
  Jay (MagiStudios) reminded me of a little song I made up in a forum post here to help explain the mystery of Google.   That case study forum thread is here:   Since my little song is stuck in Jay's brain now, I figured I might as well see who else I can get with it, too  =)  So, here we go.... You remember The Hokey Pokey, right?   Google Hokey Pokey by PotPieGirl (sung to the tu
  Should you buy a .com?  a .net?  a .info?  What works best for a niche site?   Should you have your keyword phrase in your domain name?  Does it matter?  Does it help? What about hyphens (dashes) in your domain name?  Should you buy those?  Do they work well? I did a nice case study on these very questions to get some answers for all of us.  =)   You can read my case study results here in our WA forum.   Hope you enjoy!   Jennif
December 09, 2009
Hubby and I have watched every episode of The Biggest Loser this season.  The finale was last night...anyone watch it? I love that show.  No, not because of the "losing weight" context, either.  I've had many issues in life, but needing to LOSE weight has not been one of them - probably the reason I don't do worth a squat in the weight loss!  Anyway, I love that show because it shows real a real problem situation that effects every single o
  "You cannot give to anybody in this world what you do not have. And therefore you must concentrate on getting. You must become the most beautiful, sensitive, wondrous, magical, unique, fantastic person in the world to be able to have all of these things in order to give them away and share them. Think about it. If I don’t have wisdom I can only teach you my ignorance. If I don’t have joy I can only teach you despair. If I don’t have freedom I can only put you in cages. Bu
Life.  Ain't it funny at times? I'm tellin ya, if you don't have a solid sense of humor, life can be really hard. So, this past Saturday, I'm home by myself.  The hubby is visiting family in Alabama with 2 of the kids... my 18 year old daughter is working then off to a friends house...the oldest, well, he's married and has his own home.   Anyway...  I'm working and enjoying the WA forum most of the day.  I've been working on a new online/offline business project so I was
September 26, 2009
Need a Plan of ACTION? If you are new to WA and new to internet marketing, you are most likely totally overwhelmed right now.   Trust me, I totally get it.   Wouldn't it be great to find a step-by-step simple plan of action that details everything and even has videos so you can SEE what to do?   Guess what?  I made such a resource tonight! I want everyone that walks thru the doors of Wealthy Affiliate to have a simple step-by-step plan of action...that is FREE to do. &nb
  Whoa... What a DAY!  Well, it's now 4:20 am so I think this classifies as more than a single day, doesn't it? But what an exciting and busy day for me, none the less. I posted my 100k Story in the Success Forum (still pumped about that!) Then, after spending time with my family, I came back here into WA and spent a few HOURS creating a new Squidoo 101/How To Make a Squidoo Lens tutorial. For some reason, there is one blank page in the midst of all the pages of the tutorial.  Ho
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Every now and then I type a forum post that even *I* think might be kinda good and might help more out if more people got to read it. Today, a new member asked what the Big Picture of all this affiliate marketing stuff is - what process should be in our mind when starting out? In other words...   What's The Plan?   Here is the original question - "hi fellow WAers, I am a relative newbie at IM, but I have read all of the training manuals, and my very first campain is making $5/
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If you are new to Wealthy Affiliate, I want to take this opportunity to say... WELCOME!   If you're new to the world of Internet Marketing, I now want you to take your right hand and extend it around your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back for making a GREAT decision to learn all this mumbo-jumbo here at WA.  Good job!  I've been working online for over 2 years now and I've managed thru hard work and a lot of grace to accomplish things I never dreamed were possible. But I