Day 1

Last Update: August 12, 2011
I joined WA on August 12, 2011. I have a good grasp of the basics, and am quickly learning the skills necessary as nothing has proven to be very difficult thus far. Between myself and my husband we have a decent amount of knowledge and experience with a variety of the skills necessary to do well at the various marketing strategies.
Our goals initially are not so much focused on fast revenue, but rather quality skills and doing things right. We know that getting it right will lead to a better start once we know it is being done correctly, versus aiming for $$$ but doing it incorrectly.
We look forward to getting to know experts at WA and one day be able to join them in that capacity as well. Feel free to share ideas, tips, tricks, or just say hello. Someone will be logging on here daily from now on!
Tomorrow I am so looking forward to getting some credit for already reading ahead on the learning modules. It wouldn't let me complete them today, but I already completed several and have all of my accounts set up and am ready to go!
The most interesting thing I look forward to is logging my various details every month to track our success. How many articles per month, revenues, traffic, etc. It starts with the first one, but over time it yields results based upon what you put into it. Step 1 is to get the first article done well, and by the end of 30 days, have enough experience to rinse and repeat quality work to be proud of.
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