Day10-12: Internet Marketing Progress (self evaluation)

Last Update: June 04, 2011

June 2, 2011 (Thurs):  finally got my blog active after the 9th day due to some server errors.Have been busy building up my site all morning.Trying to develop the framework for the site now. Need to read up more on using wordpress effectively. Going back to day 5 article submission now~  delayed a little bit but now trying to stay on track! 

Afternoon: just picked my list of clickbank products, plan to do a compare lists for brokerage, educational training program and trading signals for FX, more keyword research for article writing. 


June 3, 2011 (Fri):  Wrote my first article and submitted to street article, got rejected by street article but accepted by ezine. I find that article writing is actually quite enjoyable perhaps I am used to writing essays/posts as an university students...  technically completed day 5 assignments now reading up on the other days to catch up. 

June 4, 2011 (Sat): read up on the other days assignments and continued building up my site.  Slight delayed according to schedule but plan to catch up by next week!

 June 5,2011 (Sun): day 13... wrote my 2nd article, reorganizing notes on blogs, ready to start next week with building a strong landing page to create my funnel :) 

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