Just Starting WA.

Last Update: July 01, 2010

G'day to all that is reading this,i thought i would write a little bit about myself. I'm from Brisbane AUSTRALIA,currently married and have two young boys,one of which has only just been born on the 25/05/10,and the other 23 months old. I'm on holidays for 7 weeks currently,when i came upon WA. on the Internet.I ended reviewing as many reviews as i could,when i decided to join WA.From what i have seen  and read so far,there is heaps of info to take on board,so i guess it's just one day at a time. 

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1750fish Premium
Thanks guys,look forward to talking more.jamie
Louise M. Premium
RickanDarrell Premium
Hey man, Glad to have you on board. I just recently started myself so I'm just a bit ahead of you. I live in Charlotte NC in the US so we are worlds apart but you would never know it with technology. My name is Rick and if you need anything or want to brainstorm let me know,.
Best of luck to you. Are you going to go through the action plan like they suggest?