Learning excitement

Last Update: September 08, 2011

It took me a while to figure it out, but the Ah HA!! came when I learned
How to add banner on my side bar. YEE HAA!! LOL. And I figured out
how to even adjust the sizes of the banners. Very exciting stuff, well for
me anyway. Probably most of you are thinking, OK big deal that's simple.

But that's OK because for me the whole internet marketing thing, figuring
out websites, creating affiliate links, and all that goes with it is VERY
VERY difficult for me. It seems to take me 4 times as long to figure out
what to do as the next person. I guess that is because I am a tactile person,
and all this is mental / visual.

So I am a Tactile / Dyslexic and I want to be an internet marketer. Go figure. NO wonder I am struggling. LOL

Profit = persistent pursuit and patient regular activity
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Abundantlife Premium
Yes I absolutely love the Ah Ha factor.
jatdebeaune Premium
I know just how you feel. I'm learning something this afternoon that is waaaay out of my comfort zone. But doesn't it feel good to finally catch on?