Posts by Abundantlife 41
September 03, 2011
Last Oct. I thought I was getting back in the game. Unfortunately I allowed a few distractions and the next thing I new I was working a full time job and a part time job the first of January 2011. Well I was cranking between 55 and 75 hrs a week. That lasted until the end of June, at which point I was happy for a break. Then after a couple week of a 40 hr work week I started thinking it was time to  get back in the game and try to rebuild my internet marketing knowlage a
October 28, 2010
Yes indeed, I am back and hungry for some serious money making activity. Over the next couple weeks I will be working hard with a new program that I am very excited about. Pre Paid Legal I am working this from multiple angles. One is of course the internet, and another is the old fashoned face to face network marketing. My friend, take a look at this and let me know who you think might be interested. LOL.
August 04, 2010
Wow, I just can't believe it has been 2 months since i have done anything with my Internet business. Working 2 jobs averaging 60 ~ 70 hrs a week, just does not leave time for this right now. :( :( I am so disapointed. Fall looks to be a bit slower and winter even slower. So if I can servive the financial drought this winter, I should be able to get things moving again. Nice to see that the things I started, while not doing a lot, are still trickling in a few clicks  here a
Many thanks to Louise M. for giving me the link to an article submitter tool that is Free. I certainly am greatful for that. All the ones a I found cost money and that was not in my current budget. Again Thanks Louise!!
May 06, 2010
I stumbled across a new tool the other day. It is able to help build articles. Seems I found it in a signiture line of another WA affiliate. Just don't know who it was. I will work it for a couple months and see if I want to keep it. At $27 a month it seems a bit pricy. However preliminary results suggest it may be worth it. It is called Instant Artical Wizard Pro. So far I like it alot. The other Cool tool I just this morning figured out. ( I know it has been there for a whi
April 29, 2010
Alright I did it in Record time, well for me that is. I just put up another lens on Squido promoting PPG's OWM. using my clickbank link. If it works correctly. It went much quicker this time, only about 1.5 hrs.. Woo Hoo. Now I need ot work on WA. So I can make some DAM money. Thanks Jeniffer for all the great tutorials. May the Blessings Be.  
April 28, 2010
After much patients (about 3-4 hrs) and a lot of determination I was finally able to get a new squidoo lens published. As mentioned in an earlier blog I hired a writer to help me out with my article marketing. So far I like his work, but sales will tell the real story. Any way I took one of the articles for my RoboForm affiliate and uploaded it into a new lens. Then proceeded to ad my links and tweek to what seemed to me to be half way rooky-ish and not totaly newby. I s
April 27, 2010
I am not sure if the results I am looking for will come about with the trial I am doing. Last month I set in motion upgraded account status for 2 affiliate traffic exchanges. And with out a doubt the clicks have grown 1000%. However the conversion rate is 0. noda. nothing. none. NO SALES! :( I do think that going from a couple hundread per month to over 2000 clicks is a good jump... Now to get those #'s to be convertable into sales.  However that does not mean I am&
1 comment
April 14, 2010
Amazing #'s is all I can say. Zip for conversions so far, but hey its only been like a week. However in that time I have gotten more site views then Jan, Feb, and March, combined. Those are some cool #s. So we shall see if it pans out for a sale or 2 over the next couple months. I am still working on adding in all the possible banners and text adds that come with my lates upgrades. Seems like I recall Marcus sending some kind of email letting us know how to use some of the other landing pag
I went and did it. I payed for 2 subscriptions to traffic exchanges. Yea I know the traffic is not very qualified, beleave it or not, that is how I got to WA in the first place. I did the Acme People seach thing, which lead me here. Ok thats another story. so I have been working the clicker finger like crazy to bring some traffic into my WA and RoboForm site links. And Uncle Sam was kind enough to return some of my over paid taxes. I said to my self I need to find some other ways to bring