About Achieve Succes
Joined November 2011
Hi all,

My name is Edward and I’m a 42 (OMG soon to be 43) year old regular guy with a lot of life experience, ambition and dreams. I'm originally from Connecticut but moved to Montreal Canada when I was young. I was raised by a great mom who did her best to bring up a son on her own. I always had a taste for adventure and I guess that's what drove me to join the Marine Corp when I was 17. I couldn't wait to travel, see new sights and yes to get away from home. Being your typical teen I thought I knew it all and could do it all on my own(oh ya!). Marines here I come..... oh my god what a shock and wakeup call that was !!! I spent my 18th birthday at boot camp and boy did I miss mommy...
20 something years later, 2 boys(8 and 10 years old) in a 12 year relationship with my wife I can tell you that I'm only starting to understand what life is all about and learning new stuff daily. Though my work as a manager, coach and business owner/entrepreneur in the retail world I have helped hundreds of people though out the past years. With as many as 150 employees at one time , the challenge of maintaining a motivated, happy team is a daily one. I've always treated my staff and friends as part of the family and tried to touch individual lives by helping others find their true mission and passion in life.

Now I'm thinking of using these past experiences in a new IM venture...

There is an old saying that I have always liked and it goes something like this...

On the journey of life should you meet a man who says he has found the true meaning of life...walk away.
Should you cross another who is still searching for that meaning, follow him.

This is to say that we are always discovering new things about life everyday and one of the great pleasures and motivating factors for myself is my quest for self improvement and continuing happiness.

Don't take anything for granted, stay positive and always look ahead.

Concieve-Believe-Achieve (Napoleon Hill)
Achieve Succes's Accomplishments

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susandk Premium
Hi Edward. How is everything?
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA!
achieve succes Premium
thanks alot!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
achieve succes Premium
Hi all, I hope life is treating you all fine today :)