First Days with Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: May 22, 2010

Well here I go again trying to Blog..ha, ha!  I started with Wealthy Affiliate on the 19 of May and boy I have been so busy reading everything.  I've got buddies, and I completed a few tasks.  Sometimes I feel like I get sidetracked from the actuall 12 week course, but I don't even know for sure.  I've been working within the Action Plan so I've learned a lot:  The Importance of Finding a niche; this eludes me at the moment, but with Pot Pie Girl's helpful posts I don't think it will be a problem.  Finding my direction was already decided before I joined WA...ha, ha!  I will be taking the free road and learning to write the best articles I can and building my Campaign with the (seems like fun) Squidoo Lens and SEO.

I am already involved with my own people search engine through Acme People Search so I really want to do some focusing on articles that bring people to my people search blog site and to my actual search site.  I want to have more though, I mean a site that does more using the Squidoo and finding products to sell from affiliates.  I don't want it to end up being all scrambled or have so many things people can't find what they want so I suppose that means I will have to have many sites.  I am wondering if I am going to be spending all of my time writing articless...ha, ha!

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Louise M. Premium
set up your goals and stick to them. See if it works! You know, we spend a lot of time trying and testing things. It's important. just do one thing at a time :)