Posts by Affiliateph 3
December 31, 2010
Right now it's almost 6AM here Jan. 01 and I'm freaking drunk! I'm ready to go this 2011 and I can't wait for the Monday! I'm averaging $1,000 per month and my goal this year is to reach my first $2,500 in a month and that equates to over Php 100,000. That income is why most Pinoys go to work abroad and I'm going to earn it in my room with my boxers on! :) I also called my drum mentor for drum lessons and I'm excited because this is the year that I will take the steps on becoming a professional
They say that the avoidance of pain is a more powerful motivator than gaining pleasure. This is true in my situation because even though I'm working consistently with my online business, I haven't been pushing myself to really take it to the next level. Currently, there's not really enough pain to motivate me. All the actions that I'm taking are fueled by the pleasures that I'm experiencing right now and will experience in the future. I still live with my folks and basically my food, electricit
How's that for my first post? hahaha! I just want to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2011! I also want to take this opportunity to thank Kyle & Carson and everyone here in WA who have directly and indirectly helped me. Words can't really explain how grateful I am to have everyone here by my side. Take care everyone and I hope many more blessings will come to you. Raymond