About Allegrobusman
Joined June 2010

I'm an avid RVer having travel extensively through the US, Canada and Mexico. Served as a Wagonmaster on two trips on the Piggyback train through Mexico's Copper Canyon.

Joining me is my wife Nancy and our two Boston terriers, Samantha & Marco Polo

I originally join WA about a year ago, but not having the slights idea what IM was about I was overwhelmed and left after a few months.

But I'm back and glad to have re-joined via Pot Pie Girl and look forward to cranking up my internet presence and of course hoping to make a buck or two.
Allegrobusman's Accomplishments

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caz49 Premium
I too re-joined after a few months away, am I glad I did, the site just gets better and better, the aaddition of the blog is great news and now unlimited domains and sub-domains. wow!

Anyway good luck with your IM journey
Barnabus Premium
Hi Allegro, Dropped in to say hi and thank you for visiting my blog. Yeah, I haven't been an earth shaker with the marketing thing, but it's slowly taking off. Welcome back to the WA Univ, and happy trails to ya. ..Barnabus
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Scaron Premium
That's the prettiest RV I've ever seen! Hope this time around in WA is a success for you!
allegrobusman Premium
Thanks, we enjoy it. I've had a little bitty success, in other words I earn a little money. While not earth shaking it shows that one can make money.

Now I need to kick that into high gear.
allegrobusman Premium
Will you be my buddy?