About Alpha Bravo
Joined March 2010
I recently started writing my life story which you can find a condensed version on my website but I just finished learning how to design and putting it up on the Internet this last week. After retiring or maybe semi-retiring, I find myself with a desire to learn how to become an affiliate marketer. You have to understand that I have been very successful in many things and I have done all of those things with an eighth-grade education. When I was putting together my website I would make mistakes five or six times before I would find out what I was doing wrong. Due to some physical complications I am pretty much stuck from doing any activities with the exception of laying in bed and working on my computer. I do appreciate all of the welcomes that I have received and I know that I will need your help and will reciprocate when I am able to help someone in return. If you would like to know more about me feel free to check out my website. WWW.ADMIRALBUSBY.COM
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Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
riojs_k Premium
welcome to WA:)
Peedsbornagain Premium
hey there .. welcome to WA ... Heres Wishing you and your family a lot of happiness , joy and success Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abnerfer Premium
sar3483 Premium
Hi Alpha Bravo, welcome to WA. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything that I can do for you. Good luck!
sar3483 Premium
Hi Admiral, It's a small world. I'm a wedding photographer in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm also the national president of the National Association Of Wedding Professionals. I've actually heard of your business in Key West. As you probably know It's been a hard couple of years here in the wedding industry which is what lead me here. It's time to re-invent. Anyway, good luck again!
Alpha bravo Premium
thank you for the welcome! just finished my first chapter and did a small mail out to see if I got any response.I recently started writing my life story which you can find a condensed version on my website and I just finished learning how to design and put it up on the Internet this last week. After retiring or maybe semi-retiring, I find myself with a desire to learn how to become an affiliate marketer. You have to understand that I have been very successful in many things and I have done all of those things with an eighth-grade education. When I was putting together my website I would make mistakes five or six times before I would find out what I was doing wrong. Due to some physical complications I am pretty much stuck from doing any activities with the exception of laying in bed and working on my computer. I do appreciate all of the welcomes that I have received and I know that I will need your help and will reciprocate when I am able to help someone in return. If you would like to know more about me feel free to check out my website. WWW.ADMIRALBUSBY.COM