Make Money on Amazon Kindle – FREE!

Last Update: August 18, 2012
I don't think any avenue for making money should be overlooked and so I'm addressing one area that may be of interest to both fiction and non-fiction writers: Amazon Kindle. Put together your own book and market it on Amazon Kindle for “free”. It can be a book about anything you choose, a compilation of articles, short stories, a novel, a how-to book on any subject – whatever you want. I wrote a fiction novel and uploaded it on Kindle, and it was quite simple to do. I'm sure there are many here on WA who could think of inventive ways to make this work in their favor. And since it's free – you can't hardly go wrong. It's just an idea that I figured some might not be aware of. Below are some instructions on putting together a Kindle book – but be sure and read the instructions on the Kindle site as well - If you don't have an amazon account, you can sign up for free. Good luck and happy writing :)

* Note: Concerning PLR books on Kindle, follow this link:

Creating Expensive Looking Covers for Under $5
This cover creation method will change everything. It’s:
Fast: Create covers in less than 5 minutes.
Cheap: Covers cost $3-$5. Average custom cover design price? $300
Easy: No graphic design skills or software necessary.
Professional: Covers look professional and expensive.
Money Generating: Covers crack Kindle bestsellers list and make money.

First Step:

1. Go to
2. Don’t use other stock photo sites. They’re more expensive and have 80% of the same photos.

Second Step:

1. Who is your story about? A man, woman, or child? What do they look like?

2. Search for people who look like that.

3. Example: Is your story about a beautiful woman? Try searching for “Beautiful woman”.

You probably got a lot of results like this:
That’s NOT what you’re looking for!
Here’s where my system comes in.
Add the word mysterious. Now you’re searching for “Beautiful woman mysterious”.

Did a lightbulb just turn on in your head?
This is BIG!
All you have to do is add your title and pen name.
There are THOUSANDS of stunning covers out there
just waiting for you to add your title to them.
From image to cover in 3 minutes.
Total cost: $3.90

“Mysterious” isn’t the only magic word for finding images that would make stunning book covers.
Try these:
Third Step:

1. Add your title.

2. Add your pen name.

You can do this in Paint, GIMP, or Photoshop.
You can even do it online at

Fourth Step:

1.Save your image as JPG. (It’s the only image type accepted by Kindle right now.)

This is such an easy way to create stunning covers that some of you are probably wondering if it’s legal.
(I would never tell you to do anything that wasn’t 100% legal)
Fotolia’s standard license agreement states:
Furthermore, the Non-Exclusive Downloading Member shall have
the right to sell or distribute the Work solely as incorporated onto an
item of merchandise or other work of authorship if the primary value
of the item being sold or distributed does not lie with the Work(s)

Formatting for Kindle
Formatting for kindle is made out to be this incredibly complicated thing, but it couldn’t be simpler. If your book is in a Word doc and doesn’t have a lot of special formatting, your book will probably look good on the Kindle.
Here are some basic FAQs:
Which Font Should I Use?
Kindle uses its own font that isn’t available for the PC. So the fonts you use won’t show up on the Kindle. Kindle readers will only see the default Kindle font. That means you don’t have to worry about what font to use, because it’s going to be changed to the Kindle font anyway. Keep it simple with Times New Roman.
What Size Should My Font Be?
Kindle readers are able to choose how large or small the text is on their Kindle, so your font size doesn’t matter. 11 point font is standard in print books and is the size most people are comfortable reading.
How Do I Insert Pictures?
In Word, click on “Insert” and click on “Picture.” Don’t try to do anything else with the picture, like adding shadows or text wrapping, because it can cause strange formatting problems on the Kindle.

Should I Start Each New Chapter On A New Page?
No. Books look best on Kindle when they’re long and flowing. To start a new chapter, just write “Chapter 2 – Chapter 2 Title” and bold it. When it comes to the Kindle, the simpler, the better.
Is It Okay To Use Bullet Points?
Unfortunately, no. They often lose their alignment when uploaded to the Kindle and go all over the place, making a big mess. Using asterisks (*) is an easy alternative.
Should I Use Page Numbers, Headers, or Footers?
No. They won’t convert properly on the Kindle.
Creating a Clickable Table of Contents
In Less Than 1 Minute
Most readers sincerely appreciate any type of TOC included with an ebook… and some will write negative reviews if they don’t get it.
Adding one will increase your sales and repeat customers, while reducing refunds.
Creating a clickable table of contents in Word couldn’t be easier.
Just go to:
References – Table of Contents
Choose Automatic Table 1 or Automatic Table 2.

A table of contents will pop right up.
The best part? When you upload to Kindle, your table of contents will automatically contain links to the correct chapters.
It’s that easy.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: When you view your ebook on Kindle’s preview display, your links won’t be clickable. The preview on the KDP website never has clickable links – don’t panic! When your book is live on the Kindle, you’ll then be able to click on the links.)
That’s it! That’s all you need to know to create a Kindle-ready book.

Uploading Your Kindle Book
This is easy as can be.

1. Go to

2. Create an account or sign in with your already existing Amazon account.

3. Click “Add a new title.”

4. Enter your book details, upload your Kindle book, your cover, description, and set the price.

5. I recommend starting your price at 2.99. At .99, you’re not making much on each sale, and I’m going to show you how to market your book so that you don’t have to rely on intensely low prices.

When you’re done filling out all your book details, hit SUBMIT!
Your book will be live on Amazon within 1-2 days.
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chamaltatis Premium
This is great! Another good way to make money online. I'll get back later and learn more about this new opportunity in details. I just have to do something today.
leesworld Premium
Thanks for this information, but I have this question for you. Can someone make use of PLR or MRR books instead of one writing his own book?
I looked it up and apparently you can't. I'll edit my blog and add the link to the article if you want to read it.
Labman_1 Premium
Probably not a good idea but you can get someone on ODesk to write one for you.