My life as a bum

Last Update: May 27, 2010

I am a staying home mom who is really not in a hurry to do anything with her life, whether getting back to workforce, doing internet business, or attending a school....any school including this one!   I got great excuses.  I have a husband and kids to take care of, and I can get myself busy enough doing nothing to do nothing else at all.  When I feel restless about my existence,  I pour some of my favorite wine, day or night.  It works fantastically.  Macallan works fine, too.  

I am very impressed by so many success stories, and I wonder, perhaps me, too?  I finally set some goals. I printed out all the emails Kyle/Carson combo sent me, sat down with strong coffee and finished reading them today.  I am a big hypocrite; I yell at my kids for being procrastinators, but they probably learned that from me.  I am going to be good, very good, and read and learn something everyday. Yay!


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Moonstone Premium
remember to put it into practice as the best way to learn this is doing doing doing!
NEA03 Premium
I kind of understand where your coming from, I'm home all day with my almost 11 month old who is already walking so I'm chasing after her all day. I can usually write 3-5 articles a day, I wonder if I could get someone to babysit how many articles I could write. Hang in there and try to do what you can, even if it's just a little bit, it will add up.
jatdebeaune Premium
I have complete respect for people who are taking care of children while pursuing their work. Whether you procrastinate or not, I know it's not easy at all. Although I don't have children of my own. My nieces and I are very close. Whenever I have been unavailable to be with them while they were growing up, it upset them terribly which upset me terribly (more like a playmate than an aunt). Now they're off working at professions, and I hardly see them. Hah! Life is funny. Pour the wine.
maureenhannan Premium
Wow. You might have been describing me 5-10 years ago. Of course, when you have kids to take care of, you DO face limitations that others don't. Unless you hire child care. I don't care what anyone says--I'm a mom of 4, and if you're conscientious about responding to your kids when they need you and taking them where they need to go and playing with them, you jsut aren't going to get a whole lot done. That said, there were plenty of times when I could have done more and blamed it on my stay-at-home mom status. I love your honesty, and I hope you'll do amazing things. And, if I were on your block, I'd ask if I could come over for that glass of wine and chat about all we're learning. (My best friend and I, btw, have a term for the moms who start with the wine early and keep going: The Yellow Tail Moms...cuz it's usually one of those really big bottles of yellow tail that they don't even bother to refrigerate. lol. ~ Maureen
chazradical Premium
Just getting started with WA after years of knowing about it. Procrastination? You bet. Hope we can both follow a different path.