D student

Last Update: June 03, 2010

I am going to fail, fail, fail.  There are so many newbies and they are ahead of me in their action plans and who knows whatelse.  My kids started summer vacation, and I am very busy entertaining them (kids are so lazy in this generation).  OK. I finished lesson 1 in Action Plan.  Yeah, that is a wonderful thing to follow.  I wish I started earlier.  It already answered half of my questions.  But, you may recall, if you read my other blogs, I have a disease called, hmmm, procrastinitis?  It is an infection spreads very fast, mostly affecting your mind and body and soul.  That's it.  No one has found a cure, so I go on suffering.... Happy summer everyone! 

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RocketRick Premium
There is a cure for procrastinitis....funny thing it's to be found within each of our affected minds, bodies and souls. I know this because I've had the same disease in the past and therefore am predisposed to falling victim to it again.

I had to look within and seek out what it was I could feel passionate about.... then I focused on setting a goal related to it... acquired a plan to get me from where I was to where I wanted to be.... made sure I did something from that plan EVERY day, especially when I didn't want to... and lo and behold eventually I made it there.

I have since applied that same self medication to many areas of my life with varied degrees of success. You can as well! The key is to DO SOMETHING each and every day so that those little steps can eventually combine to move you from where you are to where you want/need to be.

I hope something within my 2 cents worth of thoughts is helpful to you. Happy summer to you as well :-)
DABK Premium
Listen to Joan (jatdebeaune). She knows what she's talking about. And if you have questions, I have 3 or 4 answers left over.
jatdebeaune Premium
Listen to Maureen. She's right on.
maureenhannan Premium
So let's encourage one another! I'm about to have the kids home for the summer too. I can't afford to fail, though. Keep pluggin' along, Ana. Do it for YOU and no one else. And PLEASE don't compare your progress to anyone else's. I think it's the compare-itis that is worse than the procrastinitis.
Naab Premium
Im sorry to tell you that there is no such thing as "fail" and you cant do stuff that's not existing (hope that make sense in english)
I whis you a great summer with your kids!! Im sure the action plan is here when you have some spare time ;)