Google announces online course to make you better at searching the web

Last Update: June 27, 2012
Google wants to help you become a power searcher. Today the company has unveiled a new, free online course called Power Searching with Google that aims to teach users some tricks and best practices for using the search engine more effectively. Due to kick off on July 10th, the two-week program includes six 50-minute-long classes that will be released daily, and also features a community element, as you'll get to interact with other students through services like Google+ and Google Groups. You'll be able to ask "world-renowned search experts" questions, and once complete you'll receive "a printable Certificate of Completion." While class isn't in session until next month, you can register now to reserve a virtual seat.

Source: The Verge

More information on the registration link above and on The Official Google Blog.

I'm already registered, what about you? I'm sure this course will help us, internet marketers, in too many ways! Leave your comments below...
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andre.ramos Premium
Good to know my (late) blog post is being helpful. Thanks everyone.
kyle Premium
Awesome, nice find. I will check this one out as well.
WayneBPK Premium
Thank you for the information. I just registered.
TduhT182 Premium
Signed up! thanks man, this should be awesome.