Goals Rewritten

Last Update: May 28, 2010

Well It's May 2010 and I am still here, making steady progress, but distracted at times by so many offers.  

To help me from being so distracted, I have unsubscribed  from many of the lists that I have been on. I really need to focus more on what I want to achieve. The problem being that whenever I receive an email from the owners of the list, I am distracted and some times led away, and after wasting so much time, I always return.This time could have been used on my campaigns

I have decided to remain focus by posting my short term goals here.  I also use the task and goals area to list daily what I have to do.

Short Term Goal: ( My Goals are basically broken up into three stages, but I will only be focusing on the one I list here for now, which is to cover my present IM expenses)

Cover My IM  Monthly Expenses by August 30, 2010

How will I accomplish this?


With the introduction of the WA Blog System In May 2010, this give me another angle to achieve my long term goals.  This also changes the way I will achieve my goals.  I will market WA intensively by writing articles and linking to my new WA Blog main site page.  I will also need to create relevant pages when necessary for articles written.

WA also gives us the ability to begin the process of building a list by offering a free course to visitors to the site by allowing them to opt-in for the free report.  This is good and will give me a better chance of selling WA.

I will not focus so much of my efforts on the "make money" niche.  I will attack WA from a different angle as suggested in the tutorials here at WA.

This is the process I will take, using the steps below.

Research keyword
Research Article
Write Article
Create landing page, or link to main page on site
Submit article to article directory Ezine Article or other
Rewrite article for WA Blog
Ping Blog
Bookmark Blog Post
Create Article / Landing Page in Squidoo
Rinse and repeat for next keyword / Article

I am open to suggestions and corrections form others.  This I believe is one of the best ways to achieve success. Any suggestions welcome.



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maureenhannan Premium
Very well thought out plan, Andrew. I like your process outline, and I agree with you on your decision to try creative angles and stay away from the "make money" niche. It's a ferocious one!