Check Up On It!

Last Update: April 17, 2010

OK, I know I stole that title from Beyonce...but it fits, so there!  :-)

 Just a quick tip this AM before we head out to buy a bike for the kiddo.  

If you don't use a check list, you should.  It really gives your efficiency a boost, keeps you focused, and it's a great motivator.  Something about having a list to follow helps you stay on track.  You always know what to do next.  And it feels great to see all that you have accomplished down on paper. 

So take the time to set up a checklist if you don't have one.  It's worth it.  I use a combination of homemade checklists.  I also use PotPieGirl's checklist for my Squidoo activities.  You can get it in her One Week Marketing course.

I use that for my Squidoo, then I created a checklist for my article writing so I make sure I don't forget anything when writing my articles.  And then I have another checklist that is general and covers everything I need to do over the course of a week. 

Ok, so maybe I go a little overboard with the checklists.  :-)  In my day job, we are very procedure and checklist oriented, so I guess its a habit now.  But it works for me. 

Anyway, I have a folder that I put my checklists in and everything related to the niche I'm working on that week.  Helps me stay focused.

When my checklists are done, the campaign is fully launched and I can move on.   I tweak my process when I think it needs it, but that is pretty much it.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.  Going bike shopping!  Have a great weekend folks!

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