Don't Burn Your Mashed Potatoes

Last Update: June 27, 2012
OK, so tonight I was "multitasking". Somehow I figured I could do some stuff online while cooking dinner.

I had my shut off timer set on the meatloaf and the potatoes were just starting to boil. So I figured I had time to go to my computer for a while and do a few things.

Next thing I know it's however many minutes later and I smell my potatoes cooking, but they smell just a little off. Well, you guessed it. BURNED. *sighs*

But it was my own fault for "multitasking".

It reminded me of how I've been guilty of trying to spread my focus with IM too thin. What I've ended up with every time I do that is a whole bunch of scattered ideas and nothing else to show for it.

Not unlike tonight with dinner. I ended up with burned potatoes and I didn't really accomplish much online anyway. AND I had to clean the pot and start over with another batch of potatoes. *eye roll*

The same thing happens when you spread yourself to thin online. The time will come for branching out. But you have to build something out first. See something through to completion. You need a base to build on.

So to all you chronic multi-taskers out there...I feel ya. It's a tough habit to break.

But if you do break it, you'll save yourself a bunch of scorched pots and late dinners in the future.


Take care,

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veronica.l Premium
Yes this is soo common, I am guilty myself :) There are just so many opportunities out there but you are so right, focus focus foucs.
I getcha girl, common problem I can relate too. Thx for the reminder.