Inspiration Is the Fuel that Drives You Towards Your Dreams

Last Update: May 02, 2010

I'm sitting here tonight working on spinning some articles for my current campaign.  The TV is on The History Channel and we are watching a show called America - The Story of Us.  

Tonight, they are talking about slavery.  Although I have seen documentaries about slavery in the past, each time I watch one, I am often moved to tears, but at the same time strengthened and proud of what my ancestors endured and survived.  And thankful for those who chose to step out in spite of what was popular and lawful to stand up for what was right.

But tonight as I watch while working on my articles, I am encouraged in a whole new way.  Encouraged to move forward towards my dreams like never before and to do so fearlessly.   Not just for myself but in honor of those who paid such a high price for me to have this opportunity.  

Because if they could endure the unspeakable and put everything on the line so that I could live happy and free, then who am I NOT to put forth my best in order to live to my fullest potential in their honor.

That's what's on my heart tonight.  

So keep pushing everyone.  Find your inspiration.  Find multiple inspirations.  Live every moment inspired, in action, and in motion towards your dreams.  

The best of everything to you all!


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jatdebeaune Premium
I think that's wonderful Angelle, and a very positive, productive way to see that time in our history. Keep drawing on "strength" and that strength will be yours too.