It's Been A Long Time

Last Update: March 28, 2010

Hi Everyone!

 I know I've been MIA for a few months now, so I thought it was about time that I let you all know that I'm still here and still pushing towards my goal.

 So where have I been?  

Well about the time of my last blog post, I got smacked in the face by life.  I started getting headaches that would not let up.  I went to the doctor and found out that I have HBP (high blood pressure).  Talk about a kick in the gut.

 I never had any issues with this in the past, however, after having my last child back in June, my pressure went up.  At the time, it seemed to only be temporary.  My pressure went down about a month or so after delivery.  

 But low and behold, I wasn't ok after all.  So I ended up going on medication much to my dismay.  It was a small dose, but still.  I was worried about long term affects.  I'm in my 30s so there is no way that I want to be on HBP meds for the rest of my life. 

So I decided to do whatever I could to try to get my pressure back to normal.  

Fear basically got me to kick my butt into gear and do a big 360 in my life.  With a one two punch of a revamped diet and daily exercise, I managed to lose 40 pounds in 3 months!  I'm officially back to my pre kids weight.

 I must say it's one of my proudest achievements.  I've been swimming in my clothes for the last couple of months because I refused to buy new clothes until spring.  I finally went shopping 2 weeks ago to get my spring wardrobe since ALL of my clothes from last season are too big. 

It really felt great!  I can't wait to start wearing my new stuff!

I have also attempted to go off my medication.  So far, it looks like as long as I exercise regularly, I can maintain good readings naturally.  What a blessing!

Now during that time, I've still be working on getting my internet marketing endevours going.   Honestly, I haven't had a whole lot of success.  But that's OK.  I'm proud of what I have acheived in other areas of my life.

That success has given me new resolve to get things moving with internet marketing.  The one thing that I do know is that I won't stop trying to make this work.  Because that would be the true failure.

I also know that things tend to get hardest when you are close to a breakthrough.  So I MUST be close.  Cause I've had everything from blood pressure, to kids being sick, to struggling with losing weight coming against me!  But that's all good.  It'll be worth it in the end.

All along I've keep plugging along trying to find my way in this biz.  I know that I will soon find the right "formula" for me.

I'll do my best to keep in touch and not drop off like I did the last few months. 

OK, guess that's enough for this post.  I'll post another quick one in a sec to let you know what I'm working on now. 

Blessing and Success to you all!


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