Re-Package Your Problems

Last Update: April 15, 2010

Hey all,

 I just had an idea that I wanted to share about finding niche ideas.   And it may even help you find a little peace if you have some drama going on in your life.  :-)

I've noticed that whenever I start making some progress, little things or sometimes big things come up in life that can get you off track.  And it can become frustrating or even steal some of the joy you had from making progress. 

So tonight the light bulb went off in my head and I got an idea for a little trick to help me get past whatever situations pop up on my road to progress.

I got the idea to look at my problem and consider it as a possible niche!  I'd just sat down at the computer to look up some stuff about it anyway, so I figured I might as well do some keyword research on it too.

And what do you know??  My drama has got potential as a good niche!  A nice selection of keywords with good traffic, low competition, and found some affiliate programs to match too. Not to mention I should be able to relate to people seeking answers for the problem when I write my articles cause I'm one of them!!

And the BEST part is that now I don't feel so bad about my problem anymore!  It feels less like a problem and more like an opportunity   I can even smile about it now!  :-D

Isn't life grand in a wacky sort of way?!  LOL




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jatdebeaune Premium
That's the creative approach. Great.
Otori Premium
Great advice! I actually do this quite often...I work part time for another internet marketer that requires me to constantly come up with new niches frequently. Since I never seem to run out of problems...I never run out of new ideas for niches! lol
Jamie Smith Premium
well said!