So What Am I Working on Now??

Last Update: March 28, 2010

Well, I just completed my first campaign using Mike & Pete's (EOS) Evolution of a Sale.  You know, I'm pretty proud of those guys!  It shows that we all have something to give even if we are new in the game. :-)  

It was easy to follow and I really liked the video format.  I tend to learn better that way.  

 I think what I like best is the part about how to write articles.  That was an eyeopener for me and really changed my approach to writing articles.

I'm about to start research for campaign #2.  I'll keep you posted on how its going.  

 I also like the teaching style of potpiegirl.  She's my IM shero!  :-)  I love all the tips she gives.

 I guess something I like about all of these IM mentors is that they not only teach you, they give you those words of encouragement.  And somehow those emails seem to come right when you need them.  They really understand where you are and really want to help you succeed.

I also dabbled in blogging and setting up lists over the past few months.  I have links to them in my websites lists if you'd like to check them out.  I find that I like blogging.  But I enjoy writing so I guess that makes sense. 

 So I did alot of stuff over the months, but I guess I was kinda like an octopus on roller skates in a way. So I'm using EOS to give me some focus.  And I figure some of the campaigns I do could be good material for my blogs too. 

So we'll see.  I'm developing my formula.  Anyway, I fear I am starting to ramble so I think I'll take a break. 

More updates from the lab to follow...

Have a great weekend! :-)


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kadcpp Premium
Thanks for the post and good luck!