Sweat the Small Stuff

Last Update: May 17, 2010

Nope, I don't mean to have a fit everytime the smallest thing happens to you. 

What I do mean is to give your self a pat on the back for even the smallest victories.

It's part of our nature to think that only big things equal success.  Millions of dollars, multiple homes, expensive cars, round the world trips....

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have all of that too.  But the fact of the matter is, all of that big success starts with one dollar, an apartment, a bike, and a bus pass for a trip across town!  You have to build a foundation strong enough to hold up big success.  And your foundation is  built on small stuff. 

So, have you built a lens?  Victory!

Have you submitted an article?  Success!

Have you learned how to do a re-direct?   Hooray!

Did you build a landing page?  Way to go!

The more of these little victories you get under your belt, the closer you are to completing your foundation.  And what happens to a building after the foundation is laid?? 

It just keeps going up up up!!!

So enjoy your small victories.  Congratulate yourself!  Better yet, shout them out here at WA and we'll all send you lots of cheers!  (we like to celebrate around here!)  :-)

Then keep building, keep believing, and keep waking up in the morning knowing your one day closer to reaching that BIG success!

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iFaith Premium
Lovely twist to "Don't sweat the small stuff" by looking on the other side of it - focusing and celebrating victories and successes big and especially the small ones.
jatdebeaune Premium
Healthy attitude Angelle. I tend to take small successes for granted. You really should celebrate everything, even failures. Maybe I need to turn over a new leaf.