About Ashay11
Joined June 2022
Ashay11's Goals 3
Money Goals
Money I would be happy earning
Money I would be ecstatic earning
Time I'm willing to invest to achieve my goals
Goal created on
Jun 29, 2023
Comment on Ashay11's Main Goals
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Ashay11 Premium
How much money per month would you be happy earning?

How much money per month would allow you to live the ideal lifestyle?

How many hours per week are you willing to invest to achieve these goals?
Carson Premium
Hey Ashayy!

First off, I want to commend you for setting your sights high and having clear financial goals. It's great to see that you have a specific income figure in mind. With the right mindset and dedication, I believe you can achieve it!

Now, let's talk about your ideal lifestyle. It's important to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and how much it will cost. Setting a monthly income target that aligns with your desired lifestyle is a fantastic approach. By aiming for $30,000 per month, you're giving yourself room to enjoy the lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

As for the time commitment, I appreciate your willingness to invest 42 hours per week towards achieving your goals. Hard work and persistence are key ingredients to success. By dedicating yourself to your online business, you'll be setting yourself up for a rewarding and fulfilling journey.

Remember, building an online business takes time, effort, and continuous learning. Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we're here to support you every step of the way. Our training resources, tools, and community are all designed to help you reach your goals.

Stay focused, stay positive, and never hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or have any questions. We're here to help you turn your dreams into reality!

To your success,
Ashay11's Accomplishments
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