About Ashiwaju
Joined February 2010
I am known as Ashiwaju - which is my traditional title. Yes. You guessed right. Am a local chief.
I really want to learn this art and science of Internet marketing. I believe you guys in the WA community have a lot of know how to share, and i am like a sponge eager to soak up as much as possible...and wherever...whenever i am able to offer, i am all yours!
Here is to our progressive association.
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ashiwaju Premium
I am starting to believe that if i dont succeed and have to abandon this IM stuff, it will be due to my Internet connectivity. You see i happen to reside in a part of the cosmos where nothing seem to work right. I literally psychologically AGE in an accelerated way everytime i get on the Internet...and a 30min task takes 30hrs without completion. Over here, Broadband is interpreted as 'narrow-bond'. Boy, its hell! I feel like stuck to a static point in a pre-historic stone-age movie set - only this ain't no set...& no movie neither, it feels real life. Alas! It is real!
It is ever so 'FROST-rating'! Aww!
(I hope am not dampening anybody's day with my depressive rambling. Just gotta let-it-out!)
ashiwaju Premium
I"ve heard about you guys at WA. And believe me i think you are awesome!
Keep it up.
Glad to be in your fold and one of your kind.