About Ausboycam
Joined January 2009
Hi my name is Cam, I'm 36 years old and I am looking for some huge change in my life right now.
I am currently working for Australia's Largest Telecommunications Companies called Telstra. I work in the IT Transformation team.
But I am tired of working the 9-5 rat race job. As soon as I saw WA I was sold.
My Job is just a means to an end as I look forward to my new life.

I love fitness and I really want open my own GYM one day.
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TJ Books Premium
Why not today? The Gym! Welcome! Now work your butt off. Click on my pic to reply. John
cfive Premium
Hi Cam, welcome to WA! Totally understand about the job as well. I know I have had issues in past that I don't work as hard/smart for myself as I did the "man". I think a good thing to remember is that if we apply ourselves to IM daily just like the 9 to 5 grind, even if only a couple hours a day we will see results!

Consistency is the key to moving forward in any business. Find what works and do it again. Find what doesn't work remember that and don't do it again. See you around and much success to you in your ventures! Chris
cfive Premium
Hey Cam! Hope work and your studies on WA are going well. Tough to get everything done for me right now but I realize that if I wait longer to get serious I will be older and it will just be tougher. I am going to push hard for next 11 months, with just a few breaks for sanity, to get my marketing business profitable. My plan is to go full-time by the 12th month. It would be nice to have my Aussie friend do the same! Chris
cfive Premium
Hey Cam, how is it going? Hope your getting some time to research and implement. Make a poster with the name of YOUR future Gym on it and put it at home where you see several times a day. That will give you some added energy. Works great for me, lol, I have 3 right here at my desk! Talk to later my friend, Chris
ausboycam Premium
Hi Chris, thanks for dropping me kine and saying hi that was nice of you. Thank you for the encouraging words too.
It is nice to meet someone that is friendly and open and willing to share.
I wish you all the luck and success with your WA ventures and hopefully we can catch up really soon.
ausboycam Premium
Hi Chris its Cam here... thanks for the post.... Yeah that is my plan too, to put my head down and ass up and work hard for the next 11 -12 mths so I can make some serious dollars, I would love been a IM full time%u2026. Start working less working smarter and start doing more of the things that really make me happy.
It would be great to see you achieve the same thing as well mate.
How%u2019s things in the States right now?
Sojourner Premium
Hey there, I sure do understand what you mean by the J.O.B. being a means to an end, and working in the the unrewarding 9-5 rat race scenario.
Would be different if the rats lost and we'd win some of those races. LOL! Anyway best wished to you for much success here in WA. Take care.
Sojourner Premium
... and please pardon my typos. Trying to multitask when it's not even necessary. Chalk it up to an adverse reaction or spillover from my daily 9-5. :-)
Sojourner Premium
Hi, there. I missed your message you left 3 days ago. Couldn't find it here for some unknown reason, but thanks anyway, and I do hope you're getting along very nicely here. So much here!
Sojourner Premium
Hey, I just learned you gave me gold! All by accident because I still don't know much about this website here. Bless your heart!Thanks.

How's it going for you? I hope you're not falling asleep at the computer the way I've been doing.
ausboycam Premium
Hi Sojourner, thanks very much for droping by and leaving a post before, its nice to talk to someone new.
I read your info on your page here and I do no what it means for you Job to be a very emotionally an spiritually taxing at times especially when you know there is a better life to be had.

So some words to put light on the path ahead of you. My you always be blessed. my your impossible dreams come to bear fruit and may you alwys find happiness when it seems dark. bye for now.