Posts by AZ 786 8
February 24, 2010
Dear WA Friends:  Some of you have been kind enough to inquire more about my upcoming book--inquiries I am surely not worthy of. So, here's some brief info and I am also dropping the current content of the back-cover summary which is still pending final editorial review. This is an exciting time in the market as e-books are really taking off (mine is traditional paperback). I am also doing research and garnering advice from experienced WA folk who have successfully published e-books. I wou
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January 28, 2010
Hi Everyone,  I'm still here, alive, and I guess kicking too. After three months of  signing on with WA, I haven't sold a penny as yet, but I'm more invigorated than ever. In the past two months, I was immersed in a coast-to-coast move and my book project which was finally submitted to the publisher. The release date is targeted for April 15, 2010. I had no time to dedicate to WA. But, I think I can still tie it up together. Now, here is the fun part: all new authors pretty much bear
December 03, 2009
Hi everyone, Just got my first Ezine article online. Its a trial, get-the-feet-wet kind of a shot. I wrote it as an opinion on the current healthcare debate where I also plan to do some eventual marketing. I like Ezine. As opposed to Squidoo, where I still have zero views on my first lense, I smack got 20 views on the article. Take a look and would appreciate any feedback or just leave a comment on where you are on the debate. <!-- m --> ... id=331596
December 01, 2009
Okay,  The initial euphoria is over for me. I can now see that this will take much more time that I thought. I will have to restate my goals. Unfortunately, I have been able to dedicate very little time as my planned book is approaching crunch time with manuscript submission into the publication process. In a month I will know if this baby get to fly or not. But, I plan on sticking here and paying even without a return for the moment as I do plan to make this a success. Failure is not an op
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October 26, 2009
Ok, time for me to stop researching and reading. Let's take some solid steps and get some action going. Learning will not further without action. I am sure there will be much to unlearn and re-learn. And, I just won't get there without action. That's right, l'll say it once more. . .ACTION.  I have broken down my overall framework into a few dimensions as follows:  - Products: What products will I choose. I have marked a couple for longer term devlopment. Others are seasonal/fashionab
October 14, 2009
OOOOOkayyy . . .so, I've been here about just over a week now and I have been reading, reading and reading. Reading the ACTION PLAN. Reading stuff on the FORUMS. Reading GETTING STARTED guides on Clickbank, Linkshare, Squidoo and Ezine. I read 'Beating Adwords' which is well laid out and informative. And reading more stuff still. Just let it all pour and wash through.  I have, THANK GOD, started to form some notion of what my starting framework could look like. But wait - I'm not done read
October 11, 2009
 I did not expect that I would be making a sales pitch this soon. But I have done it now. The ACTION PLAN put this out early. Just like we will eventually be looking to acquire success and sales in the different affiliate networks the same opportunity is available with the WA product and a ready-made HOPLINK is provided. Now, since I am just a beginner and do not have serious monetary success I cannot look to build an affiliate webpage around this like the ones we get to see a lot when you&
October 09, 2009
Vitality! AAAAHHHH!!! Its like....paradise. Like everlasting youth - fresh water springs or wings on your back. Vitality is living. Its learning, gaining knowledge, progressing and achieving palpable goals. It is fulfillment and it is the reason that I am here. I must...we all must...learn to think vitally. And that will mean a different gait for all of us. While somethings are universal others are individualistic.  I already feel a touch of vitality here with all the knowledge
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