8 Simple Reasons Why You Should Use Only Wordpress as CMS

Last Update: August 03, 2012
WordPress powers over 50 million websites, including several from the Fortune 500. If you want to build website WordPress is the ONLY sensible solution for you.

Here are 8 good reasons why.

1) WordPress is Free – Not only is WordPress free to use, thousands of free plugins and themes are available. Plugins extend the capabilities of WordPress; themes alter its appearance. Both serve to help you build a bigger, better business with no additional out-of-pocket expenses.

2) WordPress is Simple – WordPress wasn't developed with technical geniuses in mind. The admin panel is intuitive and easy to use. Within an hour you will feel like an expert. Everyone from 10 year olds to senior citizens use WordPress with ease.

3) WordPress is Fast – A fresh install of WordPress is blazing fast, though many people make the mistake of adding too many fancy plugins and widgets that can slow it to a crawl. Focus on adding only those elements that enhance your customer’s experience, rather than going for vanity or good looks alone.

4) WordPress is Reliable – WordPress is extremely reliable. If your site goes down, it's probably everything but WordPress that is failing (your host, human error, etc.) Because WordPress is open source, you can use it for free forever. You can leave WordPress, but it will never leave you.

5) WordPress is Flexible – WordPress is a simple yet effective CMS, right out of the box. Yet through the use of plugins and themes, you can extend its possibilities to make your website so much more, without any additional cost. Portfolios, eCommerce sites, discussion forums, jobs boards, Wikis and Q&A websites, are all possible with the push-button plugin install.

6) WordPress Has Widespread Adoption – WordPress powers over 50,000,000 web sites. This means you have a massive network of peers and available support. If something goes wrong, or you can't figure something out, chances are good that someone else has experienced the same problem and there is a documented solution a search away.

7) WordPress is Constantly Improving – WordPress has full-time development teams and thousands of individuals contributing to improve the software on a daily basis. The WordPress you use today is a quantum leap over the WordPress from just one or two years ago. Needless to say, security holes are quickly fixed as soon as they surface.

8) WordPress Has Solid SEO – Without any modifications, WordPress gets about 90% of search engine optimization right, and with a few tweaks, it's easy to get that last 10%. WordPress follows cutting-edge coding practices, meaning your site is built on rock-solid foundations that simplify SEO. It's not uncommon for open-source software to require a ton of technical modifications just to get up to par with SEO. This is never true with WordPress.

WordPress is a miracle for many small business owners on the web. There are other solutions, but dollar for a dollar and minute for minute, nothing beats WordPress.

Note: WordPress is best and is only CMS you should use.

I have been developing WordPress website from version 2.7 onward. Let me know if you need any help. I am happy to help. :)
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Sielke Premium
Wordpress is great but its not a 100% solution. There are many other solutions that work better for different projects. You never want to constrain yourself to just one thing.
I agree, but for blogging and basic content websites WordPress is THE best and ultimate solution.

Thanks for comment Sielke.
Hey I got one Idea, here is my offer.

If you pay for my premium subscription (1 month only) I will do following for you.

Completely setup your WordPress Blog.
Find, Install and Optimize theme as per your niche.
Install and Setup all the necessary plugins for SEO, Security, Management and Optimization.
I will also Install Popup Domination with my key (will not share the key.)
Support for 5 days.

Note: I can work on this weekend only and I have only 4 days left here. So please hurry!

Kindly let me know if anyone interested to help me out with my WA membership. Thanks!
Forgot to share download links, so here we go:

Wordpress Download: wordpress .org/download/
Wordpress Plugin: : wordpress .org/extend/plugins/
Wordpress Theme: wordpress .org/extend/themes/
Wordpress Support: wordpress .org/support/

Happy website building.