On the Path to Glory

Last Update: August 14, 2012
So, some time ago, I got frustrated with how difficult it was to rank in the SERPS, so I decided to take a little break; one which regrettably turned into a long break. Well now I'm back with vengeance in my typing fingers.... I've recently been pumping out a blog post every single day. I'm still not happy with search engine results--not by a long shot. But the site is seeing some traffic: about 30ish hits per day. Some of the visitors are taking their time and going through a lot of material, and even subscribing to the RSS feed. Others are looking at the homepage and just leaving, which I suppose is to be expected to a degree.

There isn't a lot of social interaction just yet. And what little there is now is literally along the lines of "Hey great post! You're really smart and you're a great writer! Here's a link to my website that sells TVs!" Sorry, but I can't approve that comment (this is a photography site). Feel free to keep the flattery coming though. ;)

Anyway, at this point I've really been trying to think about what can drive this site to the next level. And here are the ideas so far...

1) Make the site a lot flashier. Post tons of photos all over the site (since again, this is a photography site), and particularly the home page, that people will hopefully like. Hopefully, that will make people want to come to the site, and make them more receptive to what I have to say.

The concern about that is that a lot of images might become distracting.

2) Create a directory for easy access to all blog posts segregated by subject.

Again there is a concern. I understand that Google doesn't like excessive internal linking, and the number of internal links from such a directory would be huge.

3) Add an extra step to the current review process. Basically, it would be a page that would give brief synopses of three products or so before linking to the full review.

Welcome to this review page.

Review 1: Brief synopsis. Ideal for you if this is your goal. Read full review here.

Review 2: Brief synopsis. Ideal for you if that is your goal. Read full review here.

And so on...

The individual review pages would be immediately viewable through the side panel, this would just be an extra step. The idea is that by creative keyword use, a far greater amount of traffic could (theoretically) be driven to the reviews. Someone searching for what I'm selling by alternate wording would see the site.

Anyway, to anyone who read all the way through this long winded post, thank you. Does anyone have any ideas about the plan of action? Are my ideas good or bad? Are the concerns justified? Is there any thing you would do differently?

Thanks again!
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Labman_1 Premium
A video on YouTube showcasing your pics including a good keyword rich description and a link to your site will go a long way toward raising your rank and exposure.
Without a link to your page is it a bit difficult to provide feedback. Perhaps you can add it here and solicit some feedback from the membership here.
Balrog Premium
I guess a link would help, wouldn't it? It's futurephotographer.com. Thanks for responding. :)
Balrog Premium
I suppose this is my fault... I haven't been as active on this site as I've meant to be. So I suppose that since I haven't really been interacting with other people a lot, I can't really expect that much interaction. I'll try to do better. :(