About Banta
Joined October 2009
Been on Ebiz about 8 yrs as solo! Now found a port at WA with experts to share knowledge and skills. Have been a solo warrior gaining negative and positive expereinces in online marketing. Thought the "Big Dogs" have succeeded and gone with all the best. Happy to realized that WA has proved them wrong. That there is no secret where knowledge is pass on by generous people.

WA have already confirmed that research is vital for success as it is through a
short research i discovered this place. Want to thank that individual who provided that article that landed me here. If this has provided a first hand
evidence, then obviously the same will make me direct others to reach such a port of knowledge to benefit themselves.

Looking for projects for Europe / German language as a bi-lingual.

Like to to give and share as this brings satisfaction in helping others.
Banta's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Banta Premium
Checked your site and really impressed. Careful and
professional work put together.
Banta Premium
I have been scanning the training but decided to start again from scratch and realy discovery new stuff. Therefore will not
jump too fast but follow the gvien plan.
Banta Premium
Was really impressed by the personal interest taken by
Craig to help fix my hosting problem. With 7 years on Ebiz never experienced such. Respect to WA!
VictoriaNTC Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!
I hope you have great success here.
The tools are wonderful, and the forum is the best!
Marry Christmas and thank you for inviting me to be your WA Buddy, Victoria
VictoriaNTC Premium
Wonderful Thomas!
We are building a great team with many members from Wealthy Affiliate University.
This is the ground level and a great time to get in.
I am having a lot of fun with it, thus a nice break from SEO and such!
Banta Premium
Thanks Victoria, you are really caring thus your success.
Planning to check your group.

Banta Premium
Movers don't Stay!