About Bcarter
Joined January 2009
I started trying to make money online back in 1998, but what I tried wasn't working so I just gave up. In 2004 I started selling video games on eBay under The Software Castle as well as on my own site at The Software Castle. I have been fairly successful with that, but it's never enough to quit the day job. In 2006, I discovered Squidoo and the power that's behind it. Since then I have been working on building my affiliate income, but sometimes I just need a good swift kick in the rear to help me keep going. I think WA is going to be that place.

I am also married with no kids, but two adorable cats. You can see them at One Million Pet Pics along with other adorable pets.
Bcarter's Accomplishments

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SIVA Premium
Hi This Siva a newbie. trying to make some good money on IM. May be I will follow some of ur tips
bchandler10 Premium
hey just wanting to make new friend im new at this thing.... so........
bchandler10 Premium
Bcarter Premium
Hey keep at it and you will be successful. How successful depends on how much work you are willing to do.
zuoguanggao Premium
I cannot understand the reading about aweber. How are you?