Daily Action Plan for Newbie Affiliates

Last Update: May 12, 2010

As a business owner, you must develop an action plan. Here is a technique that has worked for me, though I highly suggest to find out for yourself how you can best make things happen in your own way. Remember, you can only achieve results when you TAKE ACTION.

Create a DAILY plan of action for online tasks that you wish to achieve. I like to physically write them down with a pen and paper. Set time limits for each of these tasks to make you more focused, accountable, and to make more efficient use of your time and efforts. As you complete a task, check it off your list - you will feel more professional and accomplished. Here is a sample from one of my daily action plans:

       -Wealthy Affiliate Blog & research (20 min, 10 min break)

       --FB/Twitter/Emails (20 min, 10 min break)

       -Cyberduck and Wordpress research for web building (20 min, 10 min break)

       -Work on my website (20 min, 10 min break)

You will notice that on this particular day I wanted to achieve 4 main tasks, and I have alloted each a time-frame of 20 minutes followed by a 10 minute break away from the computer. It helps me to work in this way so that I can be super focused during my work time, not answer the phone nor get distracted by anything else, then enjoy a nice break away from the screen. I usually use the break time to handle other chores, clean, stretch/yoga/core work, brainstorm, listen to music, or simply go walk outside. 

You can tweak time frames to your personal preference, but this has worked for me when I only have a specific amount of time to devote to my online business.

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ScottyD Premium
Hey thanks for the good info! As we all know sometimes the hardest
part is to "Take Action". you read,read read,and research ,but don't follow with the Action!!! Thanks again beachballer,.
chris823 Premium
The 2:1 ratio is good for other things, such as hobbies. I bowl and that's how I spread out my practice, otherwise, even things you enjoy doing can get boring. It's worked so far. I average over 220.