Posts by Beats1212 2
January 13, 2012
In my best Martin Lawrence impersonation.  I'm kicking it pretty heavy with my article writing, and creating pages to my site.  It's rather exciting when you think about it, the fact that I could be actually doing everything wrong with my marketing efforts, but still have great potential to succeed financially and otherwise, as long as I don't quit, and I continue taking action.  Therefore, I will definitely keep it moving... I read somewhere that even ugly websites make money.&nb
Greetings,     While I am absolutely, positively not big on New Years' resolutions, I decided that I would set Jan. 1, 2012 as a place marker to gauge my progress/success.  I plan to hold myself accountable to at least one page and two articles per day with article marketing, and I'll see how long it takes from this point to make the first sale.   I have spent the last month going through the thirty day success plan, I actually started with the $1 black friday trial, but I ca